Environment and Society

GEOG-G 208 — Fall 2022

Days and Times
TuTh 11:30 AM–12:45 PM, GA 1100, Waldman TuTh 3:00 PM–4:15 PM, GA 1100, Shattuck MW 9:45 AM–12:15 PM (8 weeks, online), Postigo
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to rethink the relationship between people and our environment. Just as we shape the natural world around us (through our agricultural practices, development patterns and natural resource use), we are also shaped by that world (its ecology, hydrology and climate). In G208, we explore the deeply interconnected physical, social, cultural, and economic forces that shape nature/society relations. The central point of the course is that every environmental issue is simultaneously a social issue, so if we analyze them separately we cannot address them well.